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About Me

My Mission

Is to provide you with time-tested resources that enable you to shape a more fulfilling life. It's about fostering a sense of community, offering unwavering support throughout your journey, and sharing moments of laughter and growth. I believe that by sparing you some of the challenges I've faced, we can all savour a richer, more rewarding life together.

Lets Connect

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Little Story

My story is uncomplicated.

The younger version of me dared to dream beyond borders and set sights on Scotland for my master's education. For a person who was deeply rooted with my home culture and traditions, now undeterred by the miles that separated me from my home, I was feeling homesick. I had no exposure to a foreign language and land or ways to adapt to a new culture. With a huge financial burden on me, and no exposure to support networks (or back then in 2009 it was the social media world) I finished my masters with great challenges and personal struggles.
Soon after my master's degree, my cultural ties led me into married life and left the UK even though I had secured a decent job followed by my masters. Being a mum was the greatest gift I received ever but I also struggled with postpartum depression (PPD). Not addressing my depression I went back to my work in 45 days from my pregnancy leading me to a further depression, became isolated, and lost. When I was a mum of a 2-year-old I mustered all the courage and what was left of me and decided to overcome my fears, feeling of worthlessness and weaknesses and I made the decision to pursue my doctoral research. My passion and dedication led me to venture further in the world of academia and being a mum only made me a more empathetic researcher. Just when I was about to submit my thesis - struck again by lockdown and depression hit me hard-as-a-rock. What began as a pursuit of knowledge soon transformed into a remarkable journey of resilience and achievement. But my journey didn't stop there! I raised my profile not only as a successful researcher but also a motivational speaker, using my own experiences to inspire countless others to reach for the stars. If my words resonate with those who aspire to overcome obstacles and turn their dreams into reality, then let's join and begin your journey with me!

Anitha Karthik


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