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Thrive Together:For Collective Growth

Group coaching offers a unique and valuable way bringing individuals together with similar goals for a structured learning experience.

Goal Setting: defining and setting clear, actionable career and personal goals. By helping them identify their aspirations, values, and priorities, and empower them to create a roadmap for their journey towards achieving these objectives.

Time Management: effective time management strategies help people optimize their daily routines. This includes techniques for prioritising tasks, managing distractions, and creating efficient schedules to improve productivity and achieve a work-life balance.

Healthy Habits: Creating healthy habits between their professional and personal lives is crucial. By identifying their strengths and limits,one can develop a working routine that helps both professional and personal growth.

Conflict Resolution: Coaching clients on conflict resolution skills ensures they can address workplace issues with confidence and effectiveness. We offer strategies to navigate disagreements, maintain professionalism, and minimize the impact of conflicts on their overall well-being.

Accountability Supporting clients with strategies to be accountable for their decisions, choices, ensuring proactiveness rather reactiveness. Equipping client not only to owning for their actions but also communicating and speaking-up for better or altered results.

In our group coaching sessions, we emphasize proactive strategies for better decision-making and resilience-building. By sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources, we empower each other to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

Group Coaching Package


  • Peer Support
  • Skills Development
  • Support Groups


  • A maximum of 4-6 person will be for a group session.
  • Sessions are usually 60 minutues.
  • Each group session costs £30 per person.


Deep-dives are intense exploration of a specific choice or challenges that clients have. Imagine it as diving headfirst into a pool of knowledge, going far beyond the sruface skim.


  • Uncover root-causes
  • Targeted strategies
  • Rapid Progress

Client who have completed a 90-day program or have attended a group session often return back for deep-dives for quick and targeted strategies. Deep-dives are 90 minutes- 2 hour longer sessions and comes at a cost of £150 per session.

Frequently Asked Quetions

Group Coaching is a fantastic option for people who wants to gain inspiration and motivation from shared experiences.

The format of group coaching can vary depending on the topic.However these session are designed to deepen your understanding by actively participating and sharing your experience and insights.

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