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Fitness v/s Healthy:

10Jan 24
Anitha Karthik Health-and-Wellness

Fitness v/s Healthy: Know the truth before you follow the new viral trend online.

In the current trend of promoting health and wellness, there is often an association between being fit and being healthy.

But, it’s important to understand that fitness and health are not synonymous, although they can be closely related.

Being fit Vs Being Health

Being fit can contribute to improved physical performance, increased energy levels, and a reduced risk of certain health conditions.


Being FIT generally refers to having good physical fitness, which includes factors such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition.

HEALTH, on the other hand, goes beyond mere physical fitness.

It encompasses a broader and more holistic concept of well-being that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects.


While physical fitness is undoubtedly a significant component of health, true well-being extends to other dimensions of our lives, such as mental health, emotional balance, nutrition, rest, and stress management.

In simple, a person can have a high level of physical fitness but still struggle with mental health issues, nutritional imbalances, or chronic stress.

The Importance of Balance and Individuality

Health is a deeply personal and individual journey.

What works for one person may not work for another. Achieving true health involves finding a balance that aligns with one’s own physical, mental, and emotional needs.

Embrace a HOLISTIC approach! A holistic approach to health includes nurturing mental and emotional well-being, making mindful nutrition choices, managing stress, and maintaining balance in various areas of life.

Recognising that health is multidimensional and embracing practices that support our individual needs and goals can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable well-being journey.


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